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6 Interior Decor tips for pubs

The number of pubs that have closed due to business failure or have an uncertain future has doubled in the first half of 2022 against the last six months of 2021, according to new figures (information: The MA) so making sure your pub attracts the right customers is extremely important to keeping your business going.

Giving your pub interior an uplift is a great way to attract more customers, and to use once unused spaces more effectively. By creating an environment that is visually more appealing you instantly improve chances of them staying longer and returning more regularly.

To help you, here are 6 areas to consider when making an attractive pub interior.



1. Be sure of your pub theme

Most pubs choose to have a theme. Whether it’s sports, games, families, country or board games commit to the theme you have chosen and don’t divert from it. Pubs should be the centre of the community and it’s worth considering embracing that in some form within your wall decor to give a home-from-home feeling for your customers.



2. How you want to use the room or space in your pub

If you plan to have a TV and want people to watch sports, don’t go too extreme with the decor as it can become too busy or distracting in the space. Make eating areas more relaxing but visually interesting so customers feel relaxed and have something to look at while waiting for their food. Drinking areas, you can have a mix of the two – but make sure they tie in with your theme.



3. Pick your pub colours

You can go with on-trend colours. At the moment rich deep blues are trending with gold or brass finishing on lighting and picture frames, but trends change so be prepared to change your decor semi-regularly.

If your pub hosts sports fans, try incorporating their colour. For example, a pub supporting Sheffield Wednesday football club may use a blue and white themed interior.

Introducing local colours from local crests or flags into your decor to give your interior longevity. If you have a multiple pubs or a chain, try using the colours from your brand identity to make a cohesive look across the business.



4. Create focal impact walls

When your customers walk in they want to be treated with an impact or a focus that brings them into the building. They need to know they are in the right place, and a single feature wall can make you memorable and instagrammable.

Creating accent walls using paint can be created for lower budgets, wallpaper for mid budgets or wall murals for slightly bigger budgets. The trick is to try and make your pub have its own identity so there is no mistaking you for anyone else.



5. Wall Art for pubs

This is the really fun bit. You can really change the look of the space just by choosing the right art to match your theme. In most pubs you can take the wall art away and you are left with a single coloured wall or material, but using wall art can really bring a theme together.

Chose decor that relates to the pub, history or subject. Use frames or paint colours that match or contrast with the decor. If you are in the country, you can go on the nature or wildlife theme.

If you have the luxury of little nooks or booths – try theming each one so you can use it for table recognition and so customers can book or meet people in a specific booth or area.




6. Light your pub

After all these areas have been created, make sure the lighting is correct for your space. Use wall lights that highlight the wall art, apply dimmers for restaurant areas so you can create the right ambience depending on the time of year or theme and make sure lighting is correct for any sports games within your premises (e.g pool, snooker, darts, card or board games).

Getting the lighting right, or making it adaptable in the space gives you so many options. There are many lighting systems that include an app on your phone, tablet or controller meaning you can change the mood, light and colour at the touch of a button.


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