e: info@squarkdesign.co.uk    t: 01476 245052

How it works

Turn your great plans into action and elevate your brand to unprecedented heights

How it works in 5 simple steps


Start with an introductory meeting

– Let’s talk about your brand

– Understand how it works and how we can support you

– Find out if we are the right fit for you


Book your planning, strategy and research session

You can do this via phone or email

A solid strategy, meticulous planning and insightful research charting your brand’s course to success


Decide how to work with us

– Per Project

– Hours per month (flexible options)

– Days per month (flexible options)


Support & Consultation

We don’t just do a project and run, we are here to support you as your business grows.

There are 3 support and consultation options to choose from that will suit your stage of business.

What our clients have to say

Squark Design brand Promise

We are dedicated to building long-term relationships with our clients, supporting them through the growth and success of their brands. When you choose Squark Design, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re gaining a partner committed to your brand’s success.

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New Look Branding Bites!

Useful and effective branding tips for SMEs