e: info@squarkdesign.co.uk    t: 01476 245052


Everything we design is focused on our clients to help them engage, innovate and inspire.

Case Studies

Heljan A/S

Catalogue Design

Exhibition Stand Design

Media Advertising

Taste Good

Menu Design

Window Light Boxes

Print Advertising

Volleyball England


Annual Reports

Learning Guide

Britain's Biggest Model Railway

Back Scene

Advertising Design

Event Design

Knight's Building Services

Branding Design

Building Boards


Gaugemaster Controls

Catalogue/Leaflet Design

Brand Consultancy

Track Plan Illustration

Project Gallery

Squark Design brand Promise

We are dedicated to building long-term relationships with our clients, supporting them through the growth and success of their brands. When you choose Squark Design, you’re not just getting a service provider; you’re gaining a partner committed to your brand’s success.

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New Look Branding Bites!

Useful and effective branding tips for SMEs