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How can a Visual Brand Storyteller help my business?

Maybe you are wondering how a visual brand storyteller can help you and your brand. Let me explain. Visual brand storytelling incorporates the elements of great graphic design and communication design and takes things a step further by fully understanding the core of the brands they work with to effectively communicate their story, values, vision. They also look at the emotion it will create to your ideal customer once they receive it.

For example, if you were designing the packing for an online wine retailer, a visual brand storyteller would not only consider the design of the label, or the packaging, but the emotion it would create within the customer when it arrived in the mail. That emotion would be forever connected with your brand.

There are certain project that using a visual brand storyteller can really help elevate your project. Here are a few examples of the best areas in which to hire a visual brand storyteller:


Logo Design, Branding and Identity

Visual brand storytellers who understand how to successfully brand a business are in high demand. Every company wants to establish a unique identity in their respective field and stand out from their competitors in order to develop strong relationships with their ideal customer. A company’s ability to get noticed by more people generally leads to a more profitable business, so if a visual brand storyteller can showcase how they understand the relationship between design, branding, visuals and storytelling, they become an asset to any company wanting to expand.


Advertising Campaigns

Many visual brand storytellers work in advertising. This can mean creating visuals for online advertising and social media campaigns as well as eye-catching design for print publications.

Advertising, just like branding, is a crucial part of any business. This demands a high level of creativity to design something truly unique and eye-catching, all while ensuring the message of the campaign isn’t lost.


Marketing Projects

Communicating a brand story, values and vision in marketing materials is one of the key areas in attracting the brands ideal customer. A visual brand storyteller can create artwork that communicates this in a number of forms such as fliers, brochures, catalogues, and information packs.

Having a clear and consistent message over all forms of your marketing helps generate a clear understanding of what your brand stands for and helps attract your ideal customer.


Book Cover Design

It’s true, people do judge books by their covers. It’s important that a book cover design appeals to a certain audience and can communicate plot details all at the same time. Every design should reflect the book’s purpose and attract the audience it was written for.


Exhibition Stand Design

Exhibition Stand Design is extremely important to attract cold people into your business. It’s the moment in which you can instantly attract your ideal customer with your branding, messaging and visuals. A great VBS skills are useful for differentiating you brand from any competitors and ensuring that you come out on top.


Visual Content Design

The internet has become an essential part of our businesses, but the imagery we use along with what we say, how we say it and what type of voice we use is integral for a brand success. Your ideal customer will be attracted to certain imagery, colours and subjects – all of which a visual brand storyteller can help you focus on to create a successful online strategy.


Interior Branding

Embracing your brand story and culture and reflecting them in you interior spaces can create an inspiring space, which in turn creates inspired minds. It has been shown many times that by giving employees the right environment benefits businesses in many ways such as productivity levels, staff retainment, creative thinking and enticing the best in the business.


These are just a few ways in which a visual brand storyteller can elevate your business and brand. If you are unsure of the difference between a graphic designer, communication designer and visual brand storyteller, you can read an article ‘Is visual brand storytelling the same as graphic design?


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