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How often should I refresh or update my wall decor or coverings?

“In total, the average man would spend £15,250 to achieve their dream home whereas, confident in their bargain abilities and content in their homes already, women would spend just £13,800 on improvements.”


Would you consider changing your wall covering material if there was a solution that meant that you had to refresh or update your wall decor or coverings less often – and possibly saved you money in the long run? If you like decorating and changing your scheme regularly what will be the best solution for you?

Squark Design have been looking into what wall coverings cost (paint, wallpaper and vinyl wallpapers) and how long they will last before you as a home or business owner need to consider refreshing or replacing them.

We wanted to see the difference in cost and longevity of each product and what it would cost to refresh it over the recommended time.

Will it be a factor of budget vs quality? If yes, which would you opt for?


Facts considered:

1. Corporate and commercial spaces require updating more often than residential as they are in a more high traffic environment and more likely to damage (even if you have children in your home).

2. Wall type and the environment that the wall covering is in can vary on time scales.

3. Estimates do not include costs for tradesperson, equipment, tools and time for application.

Here are some estimates based on an average plasterboard wall.


Interior Paint

Paint is the most cost effective option ranging from £10-£40 per 2.5 litre tin, but even though there are protective and wipe clean paints, data shows that paint needs to be refreshed or updated regularly to keep them looking their best.

In the home paint can last between 3-5 years before it needs refreshing. In a business, it is recommended that a fresh coat is needed every 12-24 months to keep things looking profession, fresh and looking their best.


Over 10 years you can look to spend:

Home: If refreshing twice in 10 years your cost maybe = £50 per tin

Office: If refreshing five times in 10 years your cost maybe = £125 per tin

(Prices based on 1 x tin of paint priced at £25. Estimate does not include tools, equipment or tradesperson. Please multiply this cost to match your decorating needs)

Negatives for paint: Paint quality varies from different manufacturers. Refreshing needs to be done regularly.

Use paint if… you are watching your budget or are wanting to redecorate or change your interior scheme every few years to keep things fresh.



Ideally used to create a luxurious feel to a space or to create an impact with pattern. There are many types and styles of wallpaper so this means that cost can also vary. You can look to spend anywhere between £10-£60 for a roll of wallpaper. Depending on whether you are doing the whole room or a feature wall this cost will need to be multiplied to fulfil your decorating needs.

Paper can tare and look worn quite quickly if in a high traffic area, so they are ideally used in low traffic areas such as bedrooms and dining rooms. This can include scuffing and peeling at the corners after the wallpaper paste no longer works.

In a home wallpaper can last up to 5-7 years depending on how busy your household is, what type of paper you have used, and whether the wallpaper is hung in a high traffic area or not.

In a business you are looking at between 2-5 years depending on the traffic use in the area (whether it is a busy walkway or a feature wall in a hotel bedroom).

Over 10 years you can look to spend:

Home: If refreshing twice in 10 years your cost maybe = £60 (5 rolls = £300 over 10 years)

Office: If refreshing five times in 10 years your cost maybe = £150 (5 rolls = £750 over 10 years)

(Prices based on 1 x roll of wallpaper priced at £30. Estimate does not include tools, equipment or tradesperson. Please multiply this cost to match your decorating needs)

Negatives for wallpaper: It can get easily damaged. Application and removal can be tricky.

Use wallpaper if… you love the variety of prints available, the touch of luxury and you don’t mind the application.


Vinyl wallpapers

Although the most expensive of the options, this is the product you will least have to worry about, so if you want to put it up and forget about it, this could be the right product for you.

In both home and business vinyl wallpapers can cost between £25-£60 per roll. On the flip side to the cost they will last you well over 10 years, even more so if you choose one with a laminated coating. The lamination makes the vinyl wallpaper harder wearing and wipe clean which extends their longevity which is really useful if you have children or busy business environment. If you opt for a vinyl wallpaper without the lamination, you should still be able to get a good 10 years from it.

Over 10 years you can look to spend:

Home: No need to refresh within 10 years.

Office: No need to refresh within 10 years

(Estimate does not include tools, equipment or tradesperson. Please multiply this cost to match your decorating needs)

Negatives for vinyl wallpaper: It can be hard to remove, but not as hard as some paper wallpapers. Cost.

Use vinyl wallpapers if… you budget isn’t a main concern, you are using it in high traffic areas and hate decorating.



So how often should I redecorate?

Overall we can see over a 10-20 year period the expense is around £10 difference, but the amount of refreshing or updating needed can vary quite a lot.

In short if you like decorating, re-decorating, changing your scheme or don’t plan in staying in the same property for for a long period of time, opting for paint or wallpaper makes sense. If however it is your business or long term family home and you hate decorating, finding a product such as a vinyl wallpaper which is more durable and requires less maintenance and refreshing maybe the best fit for you. Just make sure you pick a design, pattern or colour that will last the test of time!

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