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Interior branding ideas: Reception and Entrance Way

You only get one first impression. Different types of people will come through your door – employees, team members, visitors, interviewees, couriers, journalists and even competitors. Whoever walks into your building you need to use that one chance to create an emotional connection between that person and your brand. Here are Squark Design’s top 5 ways to create a memorable impact using your brand in your reception area or entrance way.


Images: Orange, unknown, s-media


1. Welcome people with your brand identity

Using your brand fonts and colours in your reception area or entrance way will instantly create an emotion and connection between any visitors and your brand. By welcoming your visitors or employees you are instantly giving them an insight into your brand and it’s culture – and that gives so much more impact than a blank magnolia or white wall.

Next time you walk into your entrance way or reception area, imagine the space as if it were a person – how are they welcoming you? How do they make you feel?


Images: Carvalho Print, EtsyUK, EtsyUK


2. Brand Statement

I love the power a great brand statement can give. Instantly creating confidence in any visitor to the building. Forcing us to make a decision about whether we believe in the same values and thinking as the brand or not. Inspiring us to think. Evoking a reaction. Plain walls don’t create a reaction, so using your brand statements to make visitors think is a winner.


Images: Lush, Microsoft, Robert Deitchler, courtesy of Gensler


3. Brand Interior Mission Statements

Inspire your employees and ideal customers. Provide them an insight to the culture and values so they can connect with your brand at a deeper level. Providing clear information on why your brand exists on both an emotional and physical level makes it clear and easy for them to understand why you do what you do. Hanging your mission statement not only makes you feel confident as a brand, but it also creates brand confidence in the eyes of your employees and ideal customer.


Images: Uncataloged Museum, Stefan Sagmeister, Atlas Copco


4. Get interactive with your brand

Reception areas and entrance ways are a great way to get real opinion and to educate. Get visitors to read about your history, vote on a subject related to your brand or even give away a thought of the day on a branded sticker. Dig into their emotions and connect a feeling to your brand. Get them to think and be inspired. Make them warm and fuzzy by giving them something for free. Create a memory.


Images: Gensler Offices, Unknown, Zieger Cooper Architects


5. Who’s who in your business

Show prospective customers a sneak peek behind the brand by showcasing your employees smiling and happy in their staff photographs. Not only does this communicate a unified brand, but it can also attract the best in the business by showcasing the great culture within your business.

Use professional staff photography that communicates your brand culture and voice. For example, if you are a solicitors and accountants, you would more likely opt for a professional seated, three-quartered head and shoulders look. If you are a creative company, such as a photography studio or a design agency, you could use your creative culture to showcase each staff members personality, talent or style.


That’s great, but I don’t know where to start!

No two businesses are the same – even if they sell the same products or services. We help businesses to express their brand values, individuality and culture in their interior branding to build trust, loyalty and excitement in their brand. Contact us for information on how to receive your reception area or entrance way interior branding report.


Useful and effective branding tips for SMEs

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New Look Branding Bites!

Useful and effective branding tips for SMEs