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Squark Design’s Charity Snowdon Challenge

Many years ago I attempted to climb Snowdon with my husband on the anniversary of my mum’s death. I wanted to do something positive instead of just sitting at home missing her. My husband and I were regular hikers travelling around Europe to climb some of our personal favourite sites. Although we knew there was snow on the mountain, we had enough experience to know what to do and had the right kit to cope with it.

Our climb was really good considering the snow but as we got closer to the summit, the weather was changing. After testing the path we took the decision to turn back as there was sheet ice underneath the snow. It was upsetting not to make it to the summit but life is more important than any mountain summit but I vowed I would one day come back and complete the challenge.

It was a good job we didn’t push it as when we got back to the hotel to inform them we had returned safely they told us someone had died the day before trying to reach the summit. This information may have been more useful before our ascent.



Due to life, personal circumstances and children, it wasn’t until last year that I looked into completing my Snowdon challenge. It was more to get me back into fitness as since having my daughter I haven’t really attempted anything challenging. I really wanted to get back in shape. I really used to love exercising, and I wanted to feel that adrenaline again.



Earlier this year (February 2021) I was having a chat with Sharon Evans (Children’s Air Ambulance Charity Organiser) and she said there was a charity event to climb Snowdon and asked if I would be interested in signing up to the event. I was wary as my fitness level was dreadful, but I knew if I didn’t do this now then when would I?

I read up on the event and thought that getting fit in just over 7 months was possible. I spoke to my husband and he said – just do it – so I signed up there and then. It was just a great feeling to not only feel I could achieve my goal but to also raise money for two deserving charities, The Children’s and Lincolnshire Air Ambulance.








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