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Creative Design

Top 5 company digital background disasters

I have seen some really bad digital background designs. I mean, REALLY bad. These kind of backdrops actually have the opposite effect to what they should be having.

A good company background should showcase the brand, engage with a strong message while elevating your business above others. This will create the right impression and leave people in no doubt you are the company they need to talk to.

In this article I am not going to use any ‘real life’ image examples as I do not want to embarrass any one company, but instead teach you all to look at your own backgrounds with fresh eyes. I want to help you all to communicate correctly about your brand and to stop your backgrounds working against you, but get them working to their best of their potential which will hopefully boost your leads.

So strap yourself in and here we go…



1. Illegibility/Poor Quality

There is nothing more frustrating than someone not being able to read your messaging. Most of the time this is because the business owner has decided to bombard the viewer with more information than is actually required at this point. The font size is too small so people can not read the information and therefore don’t bother. So what have they learnt from your backdrop? Nothing positive.

Blurry pictures, logos and text are just a huge no, no. This is the most embarrassing of the list as it just shows unprofessionalism on every level. Company backdrops like this will communicate a negative feeling towards the business and therefore will not get you the response you desire.


How to fix it?

Use your company slogan or a maximum of 3 short, snappy values you want people to know about your business, product or service. Your viewer needs to be able to take the information in quickly and process it and still have time to listen to what you have to say. Think of it as a 10 second pitch.

Make sure the images, logos and text are a good quality. If they are but the digital background still isn’t coming out as you wish, the problem may lie in the background not being saved down in the right size or format. You need to look at what is best for the programme you use. (Zoom, Teams, Google etc)



2. Stock Images

A no, no in every way. You are your business. As the saying goes, people buy from people. Do not use stock images as it gives a false representation of who you are. As the example shows, they don’t communicate your company personality or individuality. It is just lazy and there are no ‘wins’ from using them.


How to fix it?

Use imagery that is of you and your brand. Even if you are not the greatest photographer you can take pictures yourself and a designer can help give them a professional look, but my top piece of advice to any business is hire a professional photographer for a couple of hours to come and take loads of company photos. You can argue that you don’t have the funds, time or inclination, but this is promoting you and your brand and the images can be used everywhere from marketing and advertising materials, wall art for your office space and of course social media, so it is money worth spending. Good quality images speak a thousand words.


Great photographers for your black book

These 5 photographers are amazing, all with different styles and budgets. Look at all five to see their work and to see which style works with your company. Speak to them to make sure they are a good fit for your brand before hiring them.

Holly Cook – https://www.hollycookphotography.co.uk/

Lucy Dack – https://www.lucydack.co.uk/

Daniel McLean – https://danielmclean.co.uk/

Jack Chapman – https://www.jackychapmanphotos.com/index

Hanna Williams – https://www.bournephotographicstudios.co.uk/



3. Small logo in the corner syndrome

Are you ashamed of your brand? Embarrassed maybe? I have seen so many backgrounds with just a small logo stuck in the corner, which are occasionally placed on a coloured background. The logo just sits there looking lonely and lost.

What does that tell me? Yes you have brand presence which is one step forward from a white wall in your office, but what next? How do you want me to feel? What do you want me to do? Why should I care? Right now I just feel quite sad.

How to fix it?

Show confidence and strength in your brand. Be proud and represent your business to the world – don’t be embarrassed and cower in the corner. But your logo, like any superhero it needs a sidekick, and that sidekick is ‘strong messaging’. Use these two together and you will start to see results.



4. Dull Messaging

Businesses who put messaging such as ’we give great customer service’ and ‘free delivery’ do not excite anyone. Spoiler alert customers don’t really care about this until they are ready to buy from you so don’t waste your time on promoting this on a backdrop. This messaging wont create leads and as for your trust and loyalty, this can only be created by actions rather than words.

How to fix it?

Keep messaging simple and to the point. Use your company values, key messaging or mottos. The best message is to simply answer the question ‘why should you buy from me and not my competitors’. No other messaging really needs to be considered.



5. Would you mind moving a minute?

Backdrops which are covered up by the person using them (often the business owner) are one of my favourite ‘Background disasters’. I have to admit they make me giggle and I do remember them, but would I contact the business? No. Do they shout professionalism? No.

The problem with backgrounds that are designed like this is that viewers spend their time trying to figure out what the message says rather than listening and engaging with you. A background like this makes your job harder and in most cases you will lose a prospective client from the get-go.

How to fix it?

When having a background created there is a space which I call the ‘No Go Space’ which is where you, the business owner sits. Nothing should enter this space as the viewer simply can’t read it. Always put your design around this space to ensure clear and precise messaging to get the best from your company backdrop.



So there you have it, the top 5 company digital background disasters. Look at yours and make sure you don’t fall into this category. If you are looking to create a backdrop then make sure you don’t waste your time by falling into the ‘background disaster trap’ and ensure that yours benefits and not hinders your company or brand.

Actionable branding tips that will boost your visual brand and set you apart from your competitors

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