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Creative Design

What to look for when checking my design proof?

It may sound obvious what you should look for when checking a design proof, but you would be surprised how many mistakes can get through by not checking your proof properly. The most common errors are in spelling people and place names. To make sure your project isn’t subject to ant embarrassing mistakes, here are the top 5 things you should check when looking over a design proof.


5 things to look at when checking your design proof

1. Are the pictures and copy in the right order?

Important in every project, but especially for catalogues and brochures. If you have step by steps – are the pictures in the right order?


2. Are there any spellings errors?

Read all the words thoroughly, and check they are spelt correctly – especially place names and peoples names. Then get a fresh pair of eyes to read it. They may see things you have missed.


3. Have the brand guidelines been followed?

Does it fit in with your brand style? If you are using a new designer, check the right fonts and colours are used along with your other brand guidelines.


4. Overall look of the design, are you happy?

Does it look and feel right to you? Trust your gut instinct. If it doesn’t feel right talk to your designer. Hopefully with their experience they will be able to identify the area that isn’t quite right.


5. Are the dimensions right?

Is the artwork the right size? Will it fit your requirements? Don’t just assume – make sure.


If there are mistakes, concerns, issues – what should you do?

Mistakes can happen, which is why we send proofs out to clients. If you spot one, or many, list them in an email (or use sticky-notes on the pdf if you are confident to do so) and send them back to the designer. They should amend these and send you a fresh new proof.


The proof is perfect – what next?

Once you approve the electronic proof, let your designer know. Once you sign the proof off no further amendments can be made because your artwork will be sent to print.

At Squark we make multiple checks throughout the printing process and only when we are completely happy will we print your artwork. If you want these type of checks to be made, talk to your designer.


Need help with your next design project?

Squark would love the opportunity to quote on your next exciting design project – so let’s have a chat to see if we are a good fit for your brand.

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